# Seedlings, Saplings, and Trees The *ArtsManaged Field Guide* is a growing "note garden" of connected ideas supporting Arts Management practice. As such, the content is always changing as I add new ideas, develop existing ones, and connect or correct long-standing conventions of the field. As an experiment in how to do this, and how to keep track, I've set up three categories of notes you'll find in the Field Guide (notes are marked with hashtags: #seedling, #sapling, or #tree). The designations apply to the life stage of the note itself, not the ideas that the note contains: - **Seedlings** - New or explorative notes that aren't yet developed. These will appear when I stumble upon or imagine an potentially useful idea that isn't yet already captured elsewhere. Seedling notes are not yet supported or informed by multiple sources, or informed by practical experience. - **Saplings** - Developing notes that integrate at least two external sources, or are anchored in my own experience. In addition to having more citations, these notes will be more rooted in the rest of the Field Guide through connections. - **Trees** - Developed notes that integrate three or more external sources, are supported in multiple applied experiences of myself or others, and are integrated with the Field Guide with relevant links. This is an experimental approach (a #seedling note), and may not survive its implementation. --- ## Tags (click to view related pages) #fundamentals #seedling #sapling #tree