# Program & Production
> *Program & Production* involves developing, assembling, presenting, and preserving coherent services or experiences.
At the core of every arts experience is a creative action or artifact, or more likely a curated bundle of creative actions and artifacts – a play or musical, a dance performance, a collection of art objects, a series of musical works, a written or spoken word narrative or poem, as examples.
> Read [Field Notes related to the Program & Production function](https://notes.artsmanaged.org/t/program-production).
But actions and artifacts are the spark of the arts experience, not the fire. The fire comes when creative work comes into meaningful contact with an audience through a channel well-suited to the work. And that requires a "program" or "production" – the whole array of actions that make a creative work coherent and connectable to its community.
In Arts Management, program and production involve the assembly of disparate parts into a coherent "offer" – a good or service that might be recognized and valued by an audience. For example, a theater work may have a script and a musical score, but it isn't an arts experience until it becomes a "production" – with the full array of people, stuff, and money required for an audience to experience it.
This is not uniquely a creative or management function, but at best a deep collaboration between those modes of action.
Every artistic discipline has different requirements and conventions for what a program or production might be, or the elements that it might require. But the skills and capacities required to assemble and present a program or production are central to any Arts Management challenge.
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#functions #functions/program_production #seedling